• 4 Kostava street, Rustavi, Georgia
  • +995 511 24 00 25
  • October 9, 2023

Today, on October 9, our team attended the second meeting of the technical working groups of the transport and industry sectors of the Climate Action Plan. Details of the first meeting can be found at this link.

The purpose of the meetings is to allow groups interested in these issues to discuss and share opinions so that the issues formed as a result of further discussion are reflected in the Climate Action Plan.

The action plan will be updated for 2024-2025.

Within the framework of the action plan, 7 thematic groups have been established, and experts are working on each of these issues to develop the plan.

Within the framework of the technical working group of the transport sector, the expert made a presentation about the changes and corrections that were recorded in the action plan, taking into account the opinions and problematic issues expressed at the previous meetings. Among them, the final document includes changes in such activities as

  • Control of vehicle emissions on roads (in particular, it is planned to add cities where control will be implemented).
  • Identify additional benefits to encourage the use of electric vehicles based on relevant studies.
  • improving the infrastructure for electric vehicles.
  • Ban on import of buses and trucks manufactured before 2013.
  • This plan also envisages the promotion of biodiesel production.

We welcome the fact that the plan also includes the issue we focused on at the previous meeting; This concerns the problem of inter-city transport between Rustavi and Tbilisi. According to the expert working on the plan, communication with the municipality and the Ministry of Economy is necessary for the final formulation of the activity and indicator on this issue; At this stage, the following indicators are planned to be included in the action plan:

  • single ticket for traveling by Rustavi-Tbilisi and Tbilisi municipal transport;
  • determination of stops;
  • Increasing the intensity of car transport between cities.

However, the final decision will be made after the expert from Rustavi City Hall has information regarding the planned introduction of 20 new buses in Rustavi.


Within the working group of the industry sector, the expert proposed the activities that are planned to be implemented in the next 2 years. Within the framework of the updated action plan, the goal has remained the same – to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 5% by 2030, and the activities outlined to fulfill this goal correspond to the low-emission development strategy, which, in turn, includes:

  • use of energy-efficient devices and equipment;
  • consumption of alternative energy resources;
  • Transfer of innovative technologies and know-how, including identification of low-carbon solutions.