Access to Healthy Environment in Rustavi
December, 2023 - March, 2024
The Embassy of France in Georgia
The French Embassy in Georgia supports all efforts to improve the human rights situation in the country, while recognizing the key role of Georgian NGOs and civil society in developing transformative grassroots initiatives. Specifically, embassy’s actions in Georgia support civil society projects that focus on promoting fundamental rights within Georgian society, such as equal access to health, gender equality, the integration of people with disabilities into society, and the protection of child rights.
Against this background, the French Embassy’s Human Rights Prize, awarded every year, aims to support and showcase local organizations working to promote and protect human rights in Georgia.
The “Eco-Centre” organization (and Civil Movement “Gavigudet” – We Are Suffocating) was selected as the winner of the Embassy’s 2023 award. The NGO’s project aims to improve air quality in Rustavi municipality, one of the most polluted areas in Georgia due to numerous industrial plants.
The objective of the project –„Access to Healthy Environment in Rustavi“ is to promote air quality improvement in Rustavi by civic engagement and maintaining the issue on the agenda.
The following activities will be implemented to achieve the project objective:
- An informational tour to the Industrial Area of Rustavi;
- Training on Environmental Advocacy and Civil activism for students and pupils;
- Preparing informational materials on the air pollution health implications;
- Attending public deliberations on the technical documents of the enterprises to increase the accountability of the business and state authorities.